NeuEra Energy

NeuEra Energy

Geological Services

Geological Services

Our geological services team at NeuEra Energy are experts in conducting regional and reservoir-scale studies for evaluating hydrocarbon plays and generating drillable prospects. We estimate hydrocarbon reserves, perform risk assessments, evaluate exploration and new ventures opportunities, and prepare detailed technical evaluations. Our expertise includes cutting edge subsurface mapping techniques, building 3D geomodels and estimating oil reserves.


Geologic models are required as input to reservoir simulator programs, which predict the behavior of the rocks under various hydrocarbon recovery scenarios. A reservoir can only be developed and produced once; therefore, making the correct geologic model for developing an oil or gas field saves time and money. Using 3-D static geocellular models and dynamic reservoir simulation allows reservoir engineers to identify which recovery options offer the safest and most economic, efficient, and effective development plan for a particular reservoir. NeuEra experts can create 3-D simple and complex static and dynamic reservoir models.