NeuEra Energy

NeuEra Energy


Faults regularly trap and affect the flow of fluids such as hydrocarbons and water over a wide range of time periods, making them economically significant. During hydrocarbon exploration, variations in fault sealing capacity can influence both the probability of discovering hydrocarbons and the estimate of the anticipated resource range. Smaller faults can offer seals, baffles, and/or flow conduits during hydrocarbon field development. NeuEra geoscientists can create novel methods to perform fault seal analysis on clastic rocks based mostly on clay composition. However, with other various rock types, calibrating fault seal models (using static and dynamic data) and dealing with uncertainty could also be challenged by our experts.

Our workflows and approaches aid in understanding the uncertainties, risks, and benefits of fault-related fluid flow. These apply at all stages of the hydrocarbon value chain, from exploration to production, as well as CO2 containment.